South Korean Resident Registration Number (RRN) with name Generator Online

To get a Resident Registration Number (RRN) with name Easily and quickly.

NameRRNGenderBirthdayAgeBirthdayPlaceAddress(street Address, City, Zip Code)
조 다영731101-2769188female1973110152경상북도(Gyeongsangbuk)860 석촌호수로, 양주시, 181-554
곽 종훈830722-5825713male1983072242경상남도(Gyeongsangnam)607 가락로, 의왕시, 869-039
김 준혁930112-5709575male1993011232대구(Daegu)1814 학동로, 고양시 일산동구, 134-692
류 영화701109-2251468female1970110955경기도(Gyeonggi)9961 삼성로, 성남시 수정구, 726-485
장 성은870502-2409681female1987050238대전(Daejeon)311 개포로, 수원시 영통구, 899-919
신 지아730829-2185756female1973082952경기도(Gyeonggi)5608 압구정로, 안양시 만안구, 392-341
홍 예준771108-1697750male1977110848대구(Daegu)1139 오금로, 과천시, 917-199
신 태희860226-2624141female1986022639전라남도(Jeollanam-do)5650 오금로, 고양시 일산동구, 427-134
곽 윤서711228-2128156female1971122854부산(Busan)7507 테헤란로, 안성시, 582-877
임 은상820923-2076597female1982092342서울(Seoul)883 강남대로, 의정부시, 906-035
조 서영860108-2352682female1986010839춘천(Chuncheon)151 도산대로, 고양시 일산동구, 695-902
고 준호760409-5669421male1976040949광주(Gwangju)381 가락로, 남양주시, 598-023
고 현정820910-6897793female1982091043경상남도(Gyeongsangnam)640 오금로, 고양시 덕양구, 581-144
백 강희871116-2401692female1987111638대전(Daejeon)8303 언주로, 성남시 분당구, 268-086
장 보람951205-6626713female1995120530전라남도(Jeollanam-do)4674 백제고분로, 의정부시, 431-476
오 혜연860213-2337455female1986021339강원(Gangwon)2994 삼성로, 고양시 일산서구, 250-689
배 지민721112-6872189female1972111253경상남도(Gyeongsangnam)5032 논현로, 양주시, 723-524
허 민재930722-5443438male1993072232세종(Sejong)2258 강남대로, 가평군, 698-112
양 상선950802-1675719male1995080230대구(Daegu)5288 반포대로, 성남시, 537-542
남 명호770925-1680691male1977092547대구(Daegu)6529 영동대로, 평택시, 771-642

If you want to check or validate KR RRN status online, here is a KR RRN Validator.

If you want to generate more Korean identity info not only RRN information online, here is a KR identity info generator.

What is South Korean Resident Registration Number (RRN)?

A resident registration number (Korean: 주민등록번호, Jumin Deungrok Beonho, Hanja: 住民登錄番號) is a 13-digit number issued to all residents of the Republic of Korea. Similar to national identification numbers in other countries, it is used to identify people in various private transactions such as in banking and employment. It is also used extensively for online identification purposes. Upon registration with their city office, foreigners (except those affiliated with the U.S. military) receive an alien registration number, which serves as a substitute, on their alien registration card.

Some foreigners incorrectly refer to a resident registration number as a KSSN, or Korean Social Security Number.


The resident registration number consists of 13 digits, with each block serving a certain function, as illustrated below:


The first six digits signify the person's date of birth. For example, a person born on September 1, 1946, such as former President Roh Moo-Hyun, would have 460901 for the first six digits.

s, the seventh digit, indicates the sex and the century in which the person was born. The code used for each category follows:

  • 9: male born 1800 - 1899
  • 0: female born 1800 - 1899
  • 1: male born 1900 - 1999
  • 2: female born 1900 - 1999
  • 3: male born 2000 - 2099
  • 4: female born 2000 - 2099
  • 5: foreigner male born 1900 - 1999
  • 6: foreigner female born 1900 - 1999
  • 7: foreigner male born 2000 - 2099
  • 8: foreigner female born 2000 - 2099

bbbb, the eighth through eleventh digit, signify a code for the person's place of birth.

n, the 12th digit, is a sequential number used to differentiate those of the same sex born on the same day in the same location.

c, the 13th digit, is a check digit, used to verify that the number has been transcribed correctly. It is generated from the rest of the digits using the following algorithm (digits lettered a through m in order): m = [11 − {(2a + 3b + 4c + 5d + 6e + 7f + 8g + 9h + 2i + 3j + 4k + 5l) mod 11}] mod 10

Online use

Many South Korean websites require the submission of a valid resident registration number in order for users to register an account. This practice ties each registered account to a unique online identity, rather than allowing anonymous registration. Because only a few large websites allow alternate means of identification, such as an alien registration number or passport number, foreigners cannot use many South Korean websites.

The principal means of authenticating a valid resident registration number is to use an algorithm to check the last digit against what it should be based upon the rest of the digits entered.


The widespread requirement of a valid resident registration number to create an account on many South Korean websites presents many opportunities for identity theft and other fraud. For example, it was found that former South Korean president Roh Moo-Hyun's resident registration number was used to gain access to hundreds of pornographic websites, as well as to register accounts on a number of entertainment and gaming web sites. Complaints about identity theft led the South Korean government to implement stiff penalties for using someone else's resident registration number. Offenders are eligible to serve 3 years in jail or to be imposed a 10,000,000 KRW fine.