TaiWan identity card number and name Generator

To Create valid Chinese TaiWan identity card number and name Easily and quickly.

NameIdentity Card NumberGenderBirthdayAgeAddress
林威承I161799329male1974111251新基南路四段667巷489弄768號, 嘉義市西區, 268
嵇思T212839994female1972013054東英二路528巷449號, 屏東縣佳冬鄉, 294-79
鬱家宜T159806368male1973070353布西街888號2樓, 屏東縣麟洛鄉, 385
文志安O133604138male1982102943埤尾街一段383巷429弄760號, 新竹市北區, 298
黨家穎U228300101female1996012830新展街二段753號100樓, 花蓮縣光復鄉, 591
勾筑雯W208614090female1988110437新庄街八段972巷883號, 金門縣金沙鎮, 397
查安文N200548492female1973022753科雅六街八段132號, 彰化縣社頭鄉, 145
趙筑如F233760706female1981060245光華西街九段402巷476弄636號48樓, 新北市蘆洲區, 996-40
宗俊信G187056396male1995051830重建路四段832巷880弄675號, 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉, 295-58
武安B109069490male1974082852平新一路七段265號, 臺中市后里區, 637
莊珊T260979516female1980052245布西街六段603號, 屏東縣琉球鄉, 792-19
伏怡貞P200160097female1974032751吉興六街六段756號, 雲林縣褒忠鄉, 301
韓威志F103398316male1970081456富漁五街305號66樓, 新北市瑞芳區, 021-79
弘佳V168922706male1978050347平等十二路四段867巷579號, 臺東縣延平鄉, 059-82
壤駟家B289402375female1989092536力行五街四段92巷470弄962號, 臺中市西屯區, 704-41
蒯萱P231560803female1994011432乾興路一段136巷796弄789號, 雲林縣元長鄉, 473-29
祿君琬C204798122female1996051429水源街一段347巷311弄627號, 基隆市信義區, 753-66
龍家賢K196983854male1983030943建國南街三段881巷334弄765號58樓, 苗栗縣苗栗市, 627-88
東門嘉建X155396112male1987100638花秀路八段660號, 澎湖縣望安鄉, 685
蘇筑U234205297female1988102737國賢一路二段484號, 花蓮縣光復鄉, 942

What is TaiWan identity card number?

The National Identification Card of Taiwan is issued to ROC nationals who are 14 years or older and have household registration in the Taiwan area. It is compulsory at 14.

Every citizen has a unique ID number. A valid National Identification number consists of one letter and nine-digits. The initial letter depends on the place of one's first household registration. The first digit depends on gender; 1 for male, 2 for female. The last digit is a checksum.

Example:U193683453, B142610160

The letter usage is as follows:

Active Letters Letters no longer issued
Letter City/County
A Taipei City
B Taichung City
C Keelung City
D Tainan City
E Kaohsiung City
F New Taipei City
G Yilan County
H Taoyuan City
I Chiayi City
J Hsinchu County
K Miaoli County
Letter City/County
M Nantou County
N Changhua County
O Hsinchu City
P Yunlin County
Q Chiayi County
T Pingtung County
U Hualien County
V Taitung County
W Kinmen County
X Penghu County
Z Lienchiang County
Letter Original division Date of final issue Current division
L Taichung County Dec. 25, 2010 Taichung City
R Tainan County Dec. 25, 2010 Tainan City
S Kaohsiung County Dec. 25, 2010 Kaohsiung City
Y Yangmingshan Management Bureau 1975 Taipei City

If you want to validate China TaiWan identity card number, here is a China TaiWan identity card number validator.